CSEAS front line supports



More CSEAS Resources

Information Guide on Mental Health

Good Mental Health in the Workplace

Understanding Stress Booklet

People Managers’ Guide

CSEAS Wellness at Work Leaflet

Building Personal Resilience

Anger Management

CSEAS webpage Health and Wellbeing

CSEAS webpage on Suicide

CSEAS webpage World Suicide Prevention Day 2020

External Resources

Call Samaritans on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.ie, available 24/7 – www.samaritans.org

Call Pieta on 1800 247 247 or text HELP to 51444, available 24/7 – www.pieta.ie

Call the Aware support line on 1800 804848 or email supportmail@aware.iewww.aware.ie

For information on ending mental health stigma, visit www.seechange.ie

For information on mental health supports and services, visit www.yourmentalhealth.ie

International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) – Connect. Communicate. Care. www.iasp.info

National Office for Suicide Prevention training website

Grow – nurturing mental health and personal growth www.grow.ie

Mental Health Ireland – promoting positive mental health and wellbeing www.mentalhealthireland.ie/

The Psychological Society of Ireland: Time of War Resources

World Health Organisation: Mental health and forced displacement

The UN Refugee Agency: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

Mental Health Europe: Ukraine Crisis – Mental Health impact on young people

Autism Europe: Support for autistic people in Ukraine

Inclusion Europe: People with intellectual disabilities and families in Ukraine affected by Russian war

European Disability Forum: Protection and safety of persons with disabilities in Ukraine

European Disability Forum: Resources

Office of the Historian: The Berlin Airlift, 1948–1949